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CES Product Launch + iOS 15 Mail Updates

Hosts and expert product marketers Patrick Tripp (SVP of Product Marketing) and Nicholas Einstein (Senior Director of Product Marketing) take a look at the Apple Mail privacy changes that are going to have a big impact on marketers this fall and reveal a big product announcement around the Cheetah Digital by Marigold . Watch the latest episode now.


Marigold Grow with Tereza Kirk

Today on PULSE, Tereza Kirk is here to discuss Marigold Grow. Tereza is a Senior Product Manager at Cheetah Digital by Marigold , and she shares the value of Marigold Grow. Listen now and you’ll learn how Cheetah executes value exchange marketing, and the new features to look out for in Marigold Grow.

Thinking Caps

Brand Safety & Privacy Expert Scott Cunningham Talks Tech Disruption

Scott Cunningham is one of the most sought-after brand safety, privacy, and martech consultants on the planet. He gives us the low down on what’s really behind the privacy battles between Apple, Facebook, and Google as well as his take on cookies, legislation, and sound advice for global brands.

Thinking Caps

…And the Race to Grab Consumer Data Heats Up!

The amount of media coverage on new “cookie-less solutions” is exploding. New “middlemen” solutions are popping up weekly, but are they helping or hurting the cause? We translate three key articles in AdAge published within days of each other that highlight the race to collect consumer data — and we agree with Mondeléz that brands need to connect directly with consumers and leave the “middlemen” on the sidelines.

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