What’s the best time to email your customers? Ask your data.

An hour glass sitting in a rocky environment
Picture of Marigold


Cheetah Digital by Marigold is a cross-channel customer engagement solution provider for the modern marketer. Cheetah Digital by Marigold enables marketers to drive revenue, build lasting customer relationships, and deliver a unique value exchange throughout the entire customer lifecycle. We are a business partner to the world’s best brands and have employees across 13 countries.

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チーターデジタルは、全世界で40,000以上のグローバル ブランドに対して、マーケティングテクノロジーを提供するMARIGOLD(マリーゴールド)グループに所属しています。日本では、Marigold Engage+(マーケティングオートメーションツール)、Marigold Loyalty(ロイヤルティ プログラム管理ソリューション)、Marigold Grow(多様なテンプレートでインタラクティブな施策設計・実装が可能なキャンペーン管理ツール)、Marigold Liveclicker (動的パーソナライズコンテンツ生成ツール)の4製品を提供。

Picture of About


Cheetah Digital by Marigold is a cross-channel customer engagement solution provider for the modern marketer. Cheetah Digital by Marigold enables marketers to drive revenue, build lasting customer relationships, and deliver a unique value exchange throughout the entire customer lifecycle. We are a business partner to the world’s best brands and have employees across 13 countries.

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