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5 Baby Boomer Stats Marketers Need to Know

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As an age generation with unrivaled expectations for data privacy and a deep desire for financial incentives, Baby Boomers present unique challenges to brands. We’ve included five key statistics below to help marketers understand the Boomer consumer profile, providing a glimpse into what you can expect to find in our comprehensive U.S. Baby Boomer Consumer Trends Index Report.

62% of Boomers have made a purchase from an email in the last year.

Email is the single most common online purchase channel for Boomers, outperforming SMS, banner advertisements, social media posts and social media advertisements, all by significant margins. Email has become a familiar and comfortable medium for Boomers, and with the right tech stack, it can be easily leveraged to provide the personalization and dynamic content that enhance customer-brand relationships.

59% of Boomers say that they are loyal to some brands and willing to pay more to shop with them.

Even Boomers — a generation of consumers lasered in on receiving financial incentives from brands — are willing to pay more to shop with the brands who successfully win their loyalty. And while brand loyalty is observed across age generations, one factor makes attaining Boomer loyalty particularly appealing: once Boomers become loyal, they tend to stay loyal. Only one-in-five Boomers have switched away from or become less loyal to a previously favored brand in the last year — the lowest rate among all age generations.

90% of Boomers cite data privacy policies as either important or critically important to maintaining brand loyalty.

Boomers have become concerned about the ways in which brands use their personal data. To quell privacy concerns and establish lasting loyalty, brands need to transparently communicate their data privacy policies and respect the boundaries of Boomers. In our full Boomer report, we reveal three brand marketing tactics that more than three-quarters of Boomers find to be “creepy,” as well as a multitude of privacy measures Boomers are taking to protect their data.

86% of Boomers say that their favorite brand rewards them for their loyalty.

Whether this be through loyalty programs or personalized offers via messaging, brands can poise themselves for success among Boomers by acknowledging and rewarding their loyalty. Boomers cite an overwhelming desire for value-based offerings from brands, like loyalty points (70%) and discounts (85%), better understood when considering their impending need to navigate retirement during a time of inflationary pressures.

75% of Boomers say that they feel very pessimistic about the economic outlook.

Economic pessimism is more prevalent among Boomers than every other age generation we surveyed. Financial concerns are causing more restrained purchase behavior, with Boomers making fewer impulsive purchases (65%), doing more research before buying (56%), and relying more often on loyalty program benefits (44%). While this increasingly cautious behavior may be concerning for marketers, it also offers them an opportunity to resonate with Boomers and gain an advantage over competitors. In our full Boomer report, we identify four specific brand offerings that over 70% of Boomers find to be appealing components of the value exchange.

Get the free report!

If you found these statistics intriguing, be sure to download our full Baby Boomer Report today. There, you’ll discover more key statistics and insights related to Boomers’ most frequent purchase channels, messaging preferences, positions on data privacy and more!

Download the Report

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Cheetah Digital by Marigold is a cross-channel customer engagement solution provider for the modern marketer. Cheetah Digital by Marigold enables marketers to drive revenue, build lasting customer relationships, and deliver a unique value exchange throughout the entire customer lifecycle. We are a business partner to the world’s best brands and have employees across 13 countries.

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チーターデジタルは、全世界で40,000以上のグローバル ブランドに対して、マーケティングテクノロジーを提供するMARIGOLD(マリーゴールド)グループに所属しています。日本では、Marigold Engage+(マーケティングオートメーションツール)、Marigold Loyalty(ロイヤルティ プログラム管理ソリューション)、Marigold Grow(多様なテンプレートでインタラクティブな施策設計・実装が可能なキャンペーン管理ツール)、Marigold Liveclicker (動的パーソナライズコンテンツ生成ツール)の4製品を提供。

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Cheetah Digital by Marigold is a cross-channel customer engagement solution provider for the modern marketer. Cheetah Digital by Marigold enables marketers to drive revenue, build lasting customer relationships, and deliver a unique value exchange throughout the entire customer lifecycle. We are a business partner to the world’s best brands and have employees across 13 countries.

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