Getting Serious with Data and Personalization
“Let’s do personalization” is not an uncommon phrase to be heard in restaurant marketing departments, however, it’s more commonly a buzzword and has failed customers in pretty much all verticals. Initiatives that purport to be personalization are commonly limited to knowing a guest’s first name or lazy in-app recommendations such as “people who ate wings also bought onion rings.”
Customers love personalization when it’s done well, from data they have proactively provided, and the vast majority of them will happily share their dining preferences with you in return for a better customer experience.
Check out these client stories from &pizza and Bloomin’ Brands who are serving-up personalization initiatives that go beyond a first name and deliver value, relevancy, and meaningful experiences with each and every customer based on their own preferences and data…not third-party or inferred data.
80% of customers think recommendations from past dining behavior is cool
55% of customers are comfortable sharing their personal and preference data with a restaurant brand in exchange for a better-personalized service
Only 13% of consumers will miss cookies and think they make for a better online experience