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A Practical Guide to Restaurant Digital Engagement

The customer experience for restaurants used to be simpler because it was delivered entirely within your four walls. Each engagement was personalized by someone who could look them in the eye, anticipate their needs, perhaps even know their name. “Loyalty” was earned from across the counter or table.

But today, an increasing number of your guests will never enter your restaurant or engage directly with your staff. Their only engagement with your brand is through digital channels. For these customers, your digital customer experience IS your customer experience. Personalizing these customer engagements now requires an expanding web of technologies and partnerships that grows more complex by the day. So how should brands manage this digital transformation? What are the most important steps to building a modern customer engagement capability?

In this webinar, we’ll discuss a practical approach for building a modern marketing tech stack. We’ll discuss the key strategies and best practices that allow leading restaurant brands to deliver authentic and personalized digital engagements that drive greater frequency, higher spend, and true emotional loyalty.