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How the English Football Association Engages Millions with Email Channel

With over 30 million football fans in England, The Football Association has plenty of potential fans to excite, engage and educate.

Currently their database is growing at about one million emails per year – in part by using Cheetah’s platform to promote and publish competitions, offers, and registrations. Through the power of a value exchange – the heart of Relationship Marketing – the Football Association is offering fans access to once- in-a- lifetime experiences in exchange for zero-party data that will allow ongoing engagement and deeper personalization for fans. The result? Understanding fan interests and their favorite local teams leads to huge uplifts in email open rates, even just by personalizing subject lines based on the team someone supports.

Join us for a conversation at Wembley Stadium to learn more about their content strategy, how they’re monetizing their database with their 27 commercial brand partners, and how they’re growing the sport with young women at a grassroots level.


  • Competitions and rewards are an incredible mechanism for customer acquisition.
  • Collecting zero-party data to create personalized customer engagement is CRUCIAL in a future, post-cookie world and drives higher email open rates.
  • CRM is at its best when it is transactional. Brand partners may all want different things but targeted relationships with specific aspects of an audience provides a mutually beneficial relationship for both fans and revenue.