Pop “how to improve email marketing KPIs?” into your search engine and you will be served close to 10 million results. Click on any at random and you’ll be furnished with email optimization tips that vary in granularity from how many characters constitute the perfect subject line, to how to construct the consummate call-to-action, where to place it, and if in HTML, what colors are most likely to elicit that all-important action.
It’s all incredibly pertinent information and necessary for any marketer to A/B test if they want to get their emails delivered, opened, read, and clicked. However, once you have optimized, and optimized again, the improvements in performance, and the jolt to your KPIs will result in revenue gains that are merely the tip of a colossal iceberg.
It’s time to take a step back and focus on the most efficient way to smash one’s email marketing KPIs — and that is achieved by significantly growing your opt-in list.
Bluntly put, the more consumers that consent to being in your database, the more opens and engagement you will get. Double your database and you’ll double the revenue derived from your email marketing campaigns.
SEE — The #1 Secret to Smashing Your Email Marketing KPIs
Privacy as a differentiator
As a consequence of Cambridge Analytica and the unabating list of privacy breaches and surreptitious data scandals involving behemoth brands, consumers are more cognizant than ever of the value of their personal data. Whereas previously privacy initiatives may have been merely an afterthought, it’s now as vital a differentiator as price, product, and customer experience.
For marketers that have relied on third-party data sets, list purchasing, or cookie tracking to power its email marketing initiatives, this time of digital flux is quite the head-scratcher. But for marketers with a privacy-first approach, they will be empowered to connect with consumers and collect the permissions and psychographic data points required to deliver better, truly-personalized email marketing.
Ultimately, the email inbox is a private space that belongs to the consumer, and you should only be sending content there if you have been invited to do so. So how do you go about quickly ratcheting up your list of marketable opt-ins and building out your customer profiles? The answer: data-gathering interactive experiences.
Data-gathering interactive experiences
Interactive experiences don’t only need to live in the confines of web pages, they can be rapidly configured and deployed to any digital channel. To get the maximum engagement you need to deliver these experiences to channels where your prospects spend their time online — whether social stories, ad units, social news feeds, mobile apps — if it’s digital it’s covered.
It’s the ABCD of marketing in this new age of privacy: Always Be Collecting Data. Doing that across all channels, whenever you can is the best way to build your database.
These engaging experiences can be anything from sweepstakes to polls, countdown reveals to fully-fledged microsites, the key is that they incorporate data capture mechanics that collect your prospects’ personal data and preference insights — asking questions that help you shape your messaging to that consumer. And by asking, rather than inferring, you can complement your email list with a host of psychographic data points.
“Today’s Cheetah Digital by Marigold combines several solutions from recent acquisitions brought to market as the Customer Engagement Suite … Forrester finds this vendor’s data collection, interface navigability, and reporting much improved from our 2018 evaluation of the same functionality.” — The Forrester Wave™: Email Marketing Service Providers, 2020
READ — The #1 Secret to Smashing Your Email Marketing KPIs